Tuesday 1 May 2007

My dissertation is done and dusted!! Horah. I finally handed that little funker in today and I couldn't be happier. I never want to see it ever again. I also left the restaurant from hell. I left to a rapture of applause, adulation and banners...NOT. I had a few drinks with my favourite co workers, ate anything I damn well fancied, did hardly any work (unusually...) and got the Brazilian guy's number. The reason for this is because I found out that he was life guard. Yes I am that shallow. Even though he touches my face, I can bypass this bad habit for the fact that he saves people's lives!!! (and has a fabulous body)

OSG has gone to Liverpool for a week. I really miss him!! We speak every day and I know that he is usually just round the corner but I am pining a little for him. I have vowed to dismiss other lovers (apart from the Brazilian) for OSG.

More breaking news soon.



Bittersweet said...

congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, etc etc...

what will you do to celebrate the end?

Anonymous said...

Yay! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

You've fallen for David Hasselhoff?

thinkpink said...

Me - The end is not near yet, I have an exam to ace and then I will get so drunk that my friends have to carry me home!

IS - why thank you :)

Grevsie - I love abot of the hoff. He does bare a striking resemblance too, hairy chest, red trunks...

Timbo said...

That's so shallow. But hey, he is Brazilian. How bad can he be?

thinkpink said...

Timbo - He's really cute. I fear the language barrier maybe the end of our relationship though. I can not, not matter how hard I try decipher his texts.