Saturday 12 May 2007


No man is an island, unless you're The United Kingdom in the Eurovision Song Contest. Now I usually wouldn't give a shit, but I've had a glass of wine and feel hard bloody done by! I think the other countries are mean political vendetta holding bastards. Our song was shit, but it wasn't as bad as France who were a less camp version of Right Said Fred. And as for Ukraine, the silver suits alone should have had them out in the first round. Now the voting was mean, but what was more annoying was the girl in the pink tutu who was presenting in the green room who looked like she was on crack. I am a mad mad woman!! I vow never to tune in again...ok that's a lie. But I am unable to stop watching. Its like bad reality television. I feel compelled to watch. Even though I know we will never win, even though I know that our acts will always be shit. The reason I keep watching is quite simply, Terry Wogan. The man is quite the legend. He's sarcasm and wit made everything better for me. If I hadn't had that wine I would be able to stick a quote in here but I'm sorry I'm crap. Anyway, I am angry.


P.S. In case you're wondering we got like 20 points, and 7 of those were pity points from Ireland. Atleast we weren't last. Small Mercies.


Timbo said...

Yes! And we didn't vote for Ireland, so don't expect them to give us any points next time around.

I can't agree with your assessment of Ukraine's act though. They had the best song, the stupidest most over-the-top costumes, and the weirdest looking front 'woman' in the whole contest. Surely all those things equal first place. Well, they do in my book anyway.

And the worst act was I think the Romanian entry. AND they weren't even singing! They fucking mimed!! Disgraceful quite frankly.

thinkpink said...

Timbo - Romania were absolute shite, and I suppose Ukraine should have on the novelty factor, but Serbia had the scary lesbian woman with her hareem of fit lipstick lesbos... I dunno, does that equate a winning act these days?

Bittersweet said...

wogan rocks