Wednesday 16 May 2007

A Meme stole off Me

Four words to describe you?

Rebellious, Extravagant, Thoughtful, Loyal (to my friends before you remind me of my cheating nature!!)

Do you bottle it up or let it all hang out?

Depends what it is, If its trivial I'll tell all and sundry, if it is very serious I'll just keep it to my self.

Is the glass half-empty or half-full?

Always half-full.

What music do you listen to when you're feeling down?

Depressing music. It somehow makes me feel better. Or if I'm just abit sad, then some cheesy pop. Girls Aloud usually cheer me up, and they're hot!

If you could nominate an eighth deadly sin, what would it be?


Religious, spiritual, humanist or none of the above?

Maybe all three??

Do you ever spend longer than strictly necessary in front of the mirror?

Yes because the mirror is right next to my desk, so I do get an odd glance. And if I'm going out it takes aaaaaages to get ready. But on a day to day basis I'm pretty quick.

When did you last really get angry?

At fat depressed housemate like all the time.

What's your biggest regret?

I live my life without regrets

What are you most proud of?

Completing my degree!! And my resilience and determination.

What's the biggest difference between men and women?


If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

I wouldn't change anything. I like who I am, without sounding like an utter knob, but I actually do.

What makes you laugh?

A whole host of things, I am always laughing. Usually my friends, my nieces and nephews, my parents on a very regular basis.

When was the last time you cried?

Two days ago, I have pms and am scared my graduation ball dress won't fit my belly on Saturday when I have to wear it.

How do you deal with rejection?

Not very well.

What is your ultimate ambition?

To make my parents extremely proud.


Bittersweet said...

The dress, and you, are beautiful. Do not fret.

Timbo said...

I'll have you know I'm very emotional. Yes, most men aren't, but it's not an impossibility. I cry at films!

thinkpink said...

Me - Thanks but I am going to by some Bridget Jones style pants anyway!!!

Timbo - I'll take your word for it!