Wednesday 4 April 2007

The tragus, a Colin Firth lookalikey and New Jersey

I feel like a mother shunned by her children, a cow segregated from the herd, in other words I feel really hurt. I have nursed this tragus, I have cleaned it religiously, I have not touched or fiddled with it. And it has an INFECTION. A bloody infection. It really hurts too, and without grossing you all out, it looks abit red and scabby. What am I supposed to do? It doesn't look cool like it is supposed to, oh no, this motherfunker looks angry and pissed off. It sometimes throbs with pain. I read somewhere that I should put TCP on it. TCP? That shit stinks!! I will be shunned by mankind if I walk around smelling like TCP. But I fear there is no other way. I fear...I may have to buy some or else my ear will fall off and my mum will say " I told you not to get it pierced" in an punjabi brummie accent. Mum knows best.

Had a fun day at work today even though I was there for about ten hours. I had a group of teachers in and one of them looked abit like Colin Firth. I did give him special attention I tell you. Although he was flirting with a chavalicious woman, who I think was a teacher too. She said she couldn't pronounce stuff on the menu so she was going to point to it. I'm not judging, but we only sell Fish and Chips you dim cow. Only joking, I'm just being bitchy, I work in an Italian restaurant and some of the stuff is hard to say, if you live where I live and only went to school until you were about six years old. Ahhh I'm doing it again, I will stop. She was lovely I'm sure...

I gave some stuff to charity today, and to balance out my good deed I thought I would allow myself some cigarettes. Off I skipped to Tesco only to be told I would not be sold them because I didn't look old enough. After my initial perturbation wore off I realised the women had mistaken me for somebody who was 15...15!!!! I'm 22. I felt thankful to my ma and pa for passing me down good genes.

The very nice person who is helping me relocate stateside has suggested I live in New Jersey because it is cheaper then the Island and not much of a commute. The only thing I know about New Jersey is that Coyote Ugly was *set* there. And now I want to work in a bar like that and pour tequila in people's mouths from the bottle. Seen as I do a film and tv degree I'm pretty ashamed to say I have a pretty poor taste in films. If there's baps, explosions and badies in it I'll watch it. But my films of choice are another post entirely...

Anyway, hope you all had a lovely cheerful day like I did.

TP. xx

*that may be a lie, I THINK it was set there but I may be being salacious.


todaysdaze said... will need to get used to the ID thing here in America.
I was still being ID'd at 34, apparently if you look under 30 they want proof you are old enough to drink (over 21)
Still looking on the bright side is a great feeling that at 34 you do not look 21....well only if you have your ID with you, so you can buy what you went in for!!

Timbo said...

Mistaken for 15 eh? Good work.

thinkpink said...

TD- I'm going to have to be sure to carry ID absolutely EVERYWHERE then. I do actuallu look about 12 with my hair tied back and no make up on. This will not do *shakes head*

Timbo - I know 15 eh??? I'm like some sort of legel jail bait

Anonymous said...

Everyone will say 'Why do you want to live in Jersey!?' but then it is cheaper there from my experience.

thinkpink said...

Greavsie they have ALL said that!! But it is cheaper, and I am poor so therefore I shall be living there.