Wednesday 6 June 2007

An Update

My dad is feeling better, his words are still slurred but he is so so much more coherent. He will be discharged by Friday the doctors think, which is unbelievably great. I have no doubt that he will get miles better once he is at home as he absolutely hates hospitals. He hasn't been able to see my nieces and nephews which will also make a huge difference as he lives for them. He sees them everyday on a regular basis. Its all good news.

I am in two minds about whether to go to NYC. I was in the process of booking my ticket (5th of September) but don't know whether I should leave everybody to cope by themselves. He will have fully recovered by them but I'm just scared that he may have another one. I have a huuuuge family (four sisters and two brothers) so I have no doubt that he will be well looked after, its just that I would really like to be there.

Anyway, thank you to everybody for the kind comments.



Bittersweet said...

i am pleased you were able to pop up and say hi, and delighted to hear you Dad will be going home soon. Give youself some time before making a decision.

thinking of you M x x

Anonymous said...



todaysdaze said...

If you asked your Dad what he thought, I bet he would want you to go, and be fully supportive of your move and it is only 6 hours away. Leaving your family behind is always going to be hard, but I am sure he will not want to be the reason you did not fulfil your dreams.
Keep with your plans and just make sure you schedule a visit back home for sometime in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Well if his stroke was caused by something like blood pressure, that can be taken care of and you wouldnt need to worry about leaving him.

The key is knowing what kind he had and what brought it on.

Do you know?