Wednesday 20 June 2007

School play

I went to see my niece and nephew's school play today. I was in awe at the amount of comedic potential held by the people there. There was The Headmaster. Not only did he close his eyes as the children were singing and mime enthusiastically along, not only did his gut hang over his trousers, and not only did he display an acre of builders bum when he sat down, but he also said really cheesy things in a nasally voice.
Then there was Frumpy Teacher Trying to be Sexy. Oh the shame and embarrassment. She was wearing fishnet tights and ankle boots. You could see her WHITE bra under her sheer BLACK shirt. I had a teacher like that too. Maybe it just happens when you start to teach, you start to think that wearing these kinds of clothes make you cool. Its a bloody Primary School not Moulin Rouge.
Lastly there was Over enthusiastic Family Member. The clapped the loudest and wildest when their child was on stage, they looked bored when they weren't. They nudged the person next to them to inform them that that particular child was in the family, but obviously not when their child was speaking. They thought it acceptable to take pictures constantly when their child was on stage. They shushed people when their child was talking, even though they were the only person making the noise. All in all, abit of a twat.

I was the twat. In my defence, my niece and nephew were amazingly great and clever and got all the words right and performed with pizazz. However, they did refuse to speak to me after the show because I had embarrassed them so much.

P.s. I also passed my degree with honors!! Woop woop!! (a 2:2 in case you're wondering)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Honors, woot! Congratulations!