Tuesday 12 June 2007

I am working two jobs. Call me crazy, its an 80 hour week. I'm making lots of money and having it cruelly snatched away by le man of tax. What a wanker!!! Doesn't he know I have an immigration to fund!!! I spoke to my ma and she told me I have to go, that I have no choice, that she would be disappointed if I didn't go. So there you have it, I will be fleeing the country after all.

So, "what jobs are you working??" I hear you cry with earnest...or not. Weeelll I am temping by day (boring, pervert boss, but I get to wear sexy office clothes which I have a huge fetish about) and waitressing by night. The latter has sparked an idea. I think I am going to write a restaurant etiquette book. For example, when is it ever Ok to ever walk into a restaurant and sit yourself down? The answer...Never unless it is fast food. This restaurant has turned me into a mean horrible cow. I hate people, especially people who want to eat food and have lots of drinks on a lovely balmy summer evening, when I am stuck in a hideous brown shirt, ugly shoes and sweating profusely because I have to get stuff.

I have been estate agenting it up for my parents. My mum and dad want to move house, a little bit more into the country, a place where they can relax really. Its bloody hard work. Who ever knew that mothers could be so fussy??

Anyway, all is calm at home and getting better by the day. Will be a better blogger from now on I promise!!!

TP. Xx


todaysdaze said...

I am so glad your Mum is supporting your move. It is definitely the right thing to do.

As for working the 2 jobs... are you mad? At least your tax rebate will be nice when you get it!

I have been working an average of 65 hours a week for the last year, but I don't think I could manage 80! Although I used to think that about an 16 hour day and I have done several of those!! It will stand you in good stead for working in the states though. Most people I know here do more than 40 hours a week, add to that the fact that most of the workers here are lucky to get 2 weeks vacation time and some people don't even take that, You will fit right in!!!

PS. Thank you for the link - I hope you don't mind....I have had you linked since you started think pink !

todaysdaze said...

I forgot to mention in my previous comment....with ref to the second job at the restaurant, watch the movie "Waiting" a very funny movie that might give you a few ideas for those customers who drive you mad.

Bittersweet said...

hurrah!! for brighter prospects.

Are you wearing seamed stockings? oh do tell ...

thinkpink said...

Me - Hof course, have a great website where I get all my silk stockings from www.whatkatiedidnext.com

absolutely great 50's style stockings!

TD - I will make itr my mission to watch that film. In fact I am going to amazon it now.

Anonymous said...

Two jobs are better than none!!