Friday 14 September 2007

America in general

So I'm not a big fan of drinking and then blogging, but I find myself at its mercy. I went out for drinks with the Hot Gay From Work. HGFW and I went form some drinks in a gay bar, danced like sluts, and talked about me fucking the boss. It seems that he (the boss) is abit of a slut. I don't mind, he could've just told me he was fucking others from work. Another one bites the dust. I liked him, but there are plenty more men in NY!!!

I met hot men tonight, but I was otherwise engaged with the HGFW. Although we had hot three way kisses (me and 2 men!!!) I am on the case of this hot guy called AD. He is beautiful. We work together, but I'm hope full. Also because he flirts with me. And because he is gorgeous.

I will stop babbling.

More sexploits soon.



David said...

Ah, now, well, the boss thing was always going t obe a bit of a problem anyway methinks ;-)

thinkpink said...

Yeah, I was thinking with my pants, never a good idea...

Bittersweet said...

thinking WITHOUT pants, i suspect. lol. It was good - so nothing lost, huh?

how about the apartment?? hope you have somewhere to lay your head, hun.

thinkpink said...

Me - No its all fine, we're going for drinks later...I'm living in my office right now which isn't as bad as it sounds!! The hunt for places to live is dire :(