Thursday, 6 September 2007

TP in America

So I made it!!! Its amazing, everybody is hot and nice and the weather is amazing...and I scored a date with the pilot of my plane for tonight (we were walking through immigration at the airport and all that). I am a happy happy girl!!!!
I'm staying in the upper west side at the mo. My apartment hunt starts tonight FACT. I need somewhere to stay or I may be living out of a cardboard box.

However my money is running out rapidly so I may need to start stripping for money.

Speak soon guys!!

Mwah. xx


Britt- Sparkled Vintage Charm said...

cool. I hope you find a place!

todaysdaze said...

Welcome!!!! How long do you have to find an apartment before you have to start work and which borough are you thinking of?

Princess Ambiguous said...

Hey, long time I know, I thought you were off on the 9th! I've been bed ridden since I've been back thanks to the seemingly extreme weather change sniffles. I just read your blog, I'm really sorry about your dad, I wish I has something profound to say, my thoughts are with you.

Miss you, wish I got to see you before you left, lots of love, xxx

thinkpink said...

Britt- Welcome, and I am hoping loads too otherwise I may be coming back home :(

TD - I'm thinking astoria or soHo. Its all so hard!!! I'm starting work on Monday.

PA - I've missed you!!!! Get well soon. Will speak asap. Love ya. xx