Friday 28 September 2007

A Low Blow

Ok, so my number one rule? No sexual relations between friends and roomies.
I gave my room mate a blow job last night.
This is not good.
It will get awkward.
I wish I wasn't so damn horny all the time.

In other news, I am being given the opportunity to produce a television show. I have found an incredibly cool guy to star (its going to be a documentary) I'm pitching it to the network next work.
Wish me luck....

More dates this weekend, I'm hoping for a lay.

Tuesday 25 September 2007

Paint and dates

So I have moved into my new apartment and am decorating like a fiend. I painted till 3 in the morning yesterday. It was a labour of love and I was sooooo pleased with the results. I also have become quite the date slut. I'm 3 dates in with 3 different men. No sex yet, but hand holding hugging and flirting are all rife.

Number one is a stock broker, very hot, however a little on the short side for me. I am contemplating a fourth date...
Number two - a cocky piece of work. Am attracted to his gutsy personality, but he is amazingly annoying. I think he maybe good in bed though so I'm holding out and then putting out.
Number three - workaholic lawyer. A little boring, but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt because he is super cute and very intelligent.

Will keep ya'll posted!!

Love and smooches,
TP. xx

Wednesday 19 September 2007

Homeless no more!!

I have a place to live!!! Yayayayaya!! I am no longer homeless...although it was fun for a while. All has calmed down in the office. People have moved on, which I guess is always the way. Anywho, will write soon!!

TP xx

Sunday 16 September 2007

shit hits the fan

OH DEAR. Somebody at work went through my boss's phone and found texts on there from me telling him he was a great fuck and the gossip has been spread thick and fucking fast. Its going to be so awkward at work now. I'm dreading tomorrow. I hate being office fodder, but I'm big and ugly enough to deal with the consequences. I've apologised to him in advance, I don't want him to be put in an awkward position because of it. But at the end of the day, it was one night stand, it happens, and he wasn't complaining at the time. He has slept with lots of girls in the office, so I guess it will all blow over eventually. I just won't be able to stand people staring at us (we sit in the same office, right next to each other.) I'm going to be cool, calm and blase about it...

ARGH!!!!!! If the ground could just swallow me up, now would be a great time.

Friday 14 September 2007

America in general

So I'm not a big fan of drinking and then blogging, but I find myself at its mercy. I went out for drinks with the Hot Gay From Work. HGFW and I went form some drinks in a gay bar, danced like sluts, and talked about me fucking the boss. It seems that he (the boss) is abit of a slut. I don't mind, he could've just told me he was fucking others from work. Another one bites the dust. I liked him, but there are plenty more men in NY!!!

I met hot men tonight, but I was otherwise engaged with the HGFW. Although we had hot three way kisses (me and 2 men!!!) I am on the case of this hot guy called AD. He is beautiful. We work together, but I'm hope full. Also because he flirts with me. And because he is gorgeous.

I will stop babbling.

More sexploits soon.


Wednesday 12 September 2007

Desperate times

So I have two days till my hostel runs out and no apartment. I want to cry a little but I won't let myself. I made this decision and I'm going to see it out as far as I can. I've been on one never ending search. Apart from the horror houses I have found nothing. My money is diminishing, my housing prospects look dim. The only good thing right now is the fact that I have an AMAZING job. I have one week to turn it around, or else I'm coming back home.


Saturday 8 September 2007

My first american fuck

My first fuck on American soil was fabulous. He boss. I feel like a slut and harlot but it was worth it. His cock was amazing, cut and delicious. I was in heaven. He informed me that all American men are circumcised. I was giggling in glee at the thought. We have made a fucking pact of sorts to continue our liaisons secretly. I don't want the others in the office thinking I will be having preferential treatment, or for them to think I'm easy. Its pretty much a male dominated office, so I guess its in my interests to keep it secret so as not to cock block anybody else!!!

Anyway, still no apartment. Home sickness is kicking in. Will be round to check all your blogs soon.

Au revoir. TP xx

Thursday 6 September 2007

TP in America

So I made it!!! Its amazing, everybody is hot and nice and the weather is amazing...and I scored a date with the pilot of my plane for tonight (we were walking through immigration at the airport and all that). I am a happy happy girl!!!!
I'm staying in the upper west side at the mo. My apartment hunt starts tonight FACT. I need somewhere to stay or I may be living out of a cardboard box.

However my money is running out rapidly so I may need to start stripping for money.

Speak soon guys!!

Mwah. xx

Wednesday 5 September 2007

So I have 5 hours till I board my flight, 2 hours to get there and check in...the rest of the time to pack...It is a losing battle.

See you on the other side kids!!